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Living in Texas brings with it a wide range of unpredictable weather patterns, including severe storms that can cause major damage to commercial properties. From high winds to hailstorms, these natural incidences can cause disaster on your business’s infrastructure, especially the roof. In this special blog, we will explore the importance of preparing your business for commercial storm damage and provide useful tips to mitigate the potential impact. As the leading provider of residential & commercial storm damage restoration services in Texas, Flagstone Roofing & Exteriors is here to help you safeguard your business against the wrath of Mother Nature.

Understanding the Risks of Commercial Storm Damage

Texas is no stranger to powerful storms that can leave commercial properties vulnerable to damage. Whether you are located in lively Austin, vibrant San Antonio, bustling Katy, or charming Sugarland, your business is at risk of experiencing the consequences of severe weather. One of the most common areas affected during storms is the roof, making commercial roof storm damage a significant concern for businesses across the state.

The aftermath of a storm can be profusing, with damaged roofs leading to water leaks, compromised structural integrity, and disruption of daily operations. By taking proactive measures to prepare for commercial storm damage, you can minimize the impact on your business and ensure a swift recovery.

Regular Roof Inspections

To strengthen your business against commercial storm damage, it is essential to conduct regular roof inspections. Engage a professional roofing contractor, such as Flagstone Roofing & Exteriors, to evaluate the condition of your commercial roof. These inspections help identify any existing weaknesses and enable you to address them promptly, reducing the risk of extensive damage during a storm.

Reinforce the Roof

To reinforce your commercial roof’s resilience, consider reinforcing it with storm-resistant materials. Investing in impact-resistant shingles or metal roofing can provide an added layer of protection against hail and high winds. Partnering with a trusted roofing company like Flagstone Roofing & Exteriors ensures you receive quality materials and expert installation for maximum durability.

Trim Surrounding Trees

Overhanging tree branches pose a significant threat during storms, as they can break off and cause severe damage to your commercial property. Regularly trim the trees surrounding your business to minimize the risk of falling limbs or branches damaging your roof or other structures. Paying attention to this simple task can save you from costly, storm damage roof repairs in the future. 

Secure Loose Objects

Strong winds can turn even the smallest loose objects into projectiles, endangering your property. Conduct a thorough assessment of your surroundings and secure any loose items such as signage, awnings, or outdoor furniture. By preventing these objects from becoming hazards, you can protect your commercial property and the safety of those within it.

Develop an Emergency Plan

Having an emergency plan in place is crucial for the safety of your employees and customers. Make sure that all individuals are informed about the essential actions to be taken in case of severe weather. Establish evacuation routes, designate safe areas, and provide clear instructions on how to respond during a storm. By proactively preparing for emergencies, you can minimize potential injuries and effectively manage the aftermath.

Maintain Proper Drainage System

A well-functioning drainage system is crucial in preventing water damage during storms. Ensure that your gutters & downspouts are clear of debris, allowing water to flow freely away from your commercial property. Regularly inspect & clean the drainage system to avoid clogs and potential water buildup on your roof.

Backup Power Supply

Power outages are common during severe storms. To maintain essential operations and keep your business running smoothly, consider investing in a backup power supply, such as a generator. This will help you avoid disruptions and ensure the safety & comfort of your employees and customers until power is restored.

Secure Important Documents

Protect your valuable business documents and records by storing them in a secure and waterproof location. Consider using fireproof safes or off-site digital storage options to safeguard critical information, including insurance policies, financial records, and customer data. This preparation will help facilitate the recovery process in case of damage to your premises.

Install Impact-Resistant Windows and Doors

While protecting the roof is crucial, don’t overlook the weaknesses of windows and doors during storms. Consider installing impact-resistant windows and doors to minimize the risk of breakage due to high winds or flying debris. These sturdy additions can significantly reduce the potential for water damage and enhance the overall structural integrity of your commercial property.

Train Staff on Emergency Response Procedures

Ensure that all employees are well informed and trained in emergency response procedures. Conduct regular drills to familiarize them with evacuation routes, safe areas, and protocols to follow during a storm. By empowering your staff with the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively, you create a safer environment for everyone and reduce the potential for panic or confusion during emergencies.

Review and Updates Insurance Coverage 

Regularly review your commercial property insurance coverage to ensure it adequately protects you against storm damage. Contact your insurance provider to understand the specific provisions related to severe weather events. Consider factors such as coverage limits, deductibles, and any additional coverage options that may be beneficial for your business. Stay proactive and make any necessary updates to ensure you have comprehensive protection.


Preparing your business for commercial storm damage in Texas requires a comprehensive approach to safeguard your commercial property, employees, and customers. By implementing the above-mentioned strategies, you can strengthen your business against the potential devastation caused by severe storms.

By considering these strategies and partnering with a reliable storm damage restoration service like Flagstone Roofing & Exteriors, you can mitigate the potential impact of storms on your business. Our expertise and commitment to exceptional service make us your trusted partner in preparing for and recovering from commercial storm damage.

Investing in proactive storm preparedness measures demonstrates your commitment to the stability and success of your business. Don’t wait for a disaster to strike—take action now to protect your commercial property. Contact Flagstone Roofing & Exteriors today, and let us be your shield against the unpredictable storms that may come your way.

Remember, when it comes to commercial storm damage restoration in Texas, Flagstone Roofing & Exteriors is here to support you every step of the way. Safeguard your business and ensure a swift recovery with our expertise and dedicated service. Together, let’s face the storms and emerge stronger than ever.